A Celebration of Life

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Celebration of Life

(Written by Megan)

What a perfect night we had on Saturday, with friends and family gathered around tables, hugging, laughing, crying, and remembering my dad.  Each hug exchanged a little more healing for the brokenness.

Dad's LSU display

Uncle Tom offered to MC the night, and he was wonderful at getting control, keeping it moving, and helping us recover from the harder moments.  Matt and Paul made a video of my dad's life.  It was so wonderful to watch and be reminded of all the amazing things we have done together, and the fun, adventurous, loving dad I had.  Here is a link to the video: A Celebration of Life.  The video has also been posted at the top of this blog, and will remain there, as a tribute to Brad for all to see.  Thank you, Matt and Paul, for the work you put into it.

Photo displays.

Brian Marcotte, Dad's boss and good friend, was the main speaker.  He shared lots of stories of my dad, many of which I was a part of and can remember well.  He also talked about Dad's character, how he was unrufflable, which Brian didn't think is a real word, but should be.  At the end of his talk, Brian gave Mom a feather and had a basket of feathers for everyone to choose from to remember Dad.  

Collage displays.

Others talked and told stories, and all had the same tone.  Dad was fun, adventurous, easy-going, calming.  They talked of how dad was happiest when he was with children, especially his own grandkids.  At the end, I came up with Lindsay to tell everyone how dad loved his family by doing things with us and for us.  One of the ways he showed his love for us, was by making us breakfast or cookies, and the club that hosted Dad's celebration that night, was passing out cookies made from Dad's favorite family recipe.  

Belt buckles.

At the end of the night, I felt warm and grateful.  So many people knew me and came up to tell me stories about my dad or to encourage me in the days to come.  I received many kisses and hugs from Mom and Dad's friends from all over the world, and many decades of friendship.  

Unocal and Titan display.

Mostly, I felt grateful to be Dad's daughter.  In the stress and challenge of the past year of Dad's health, I had lost my sight of the span of his life.  It was so good to be reminded of his brown-hair days with beard, mustache, or clean-shaven; his running, camping, hiking, scuba diving, adventuring days; his father of baby girls days, clips in his hair, napping anywhere he sat; his days of faith in action, starting a church, hosting bible study, pointing others to Jesus through actions rather than words.  I had forgotten and it felt so good to have others remind me of who my dad was.  He was much bigger than I gave him credit for, which is pretty incredible, because I gave him a lot of credit.  

Boppa display.

I am so thankful for everyone who came that night, to help remind me, and each other, of the gift of a life well lived.