A Celebration of Life

Friday, October 11, 2013

Another fall. Please pray with us.

(Teri writing) Hello Everyone,
Brad fell right when it was time to leave for the scans this morning.......and then he was hurting so badly with his back, that we had to postpone the scans for a later time next week......he is doing better now, as long as he doesn't move too much.......the good thing, is that he has the antibiotics now that are targeted to his specific type of staph, and it is able to be given at his house every 8 hours through his chemo port (so no sticking!).......we are PRAYING that this antibiotic will zap all of the staph bacteria in his vertebrae, and calm down all of the painful swelling of the disc......thank you everyone for your continued prayers for him!

1 comment:

  1. Just want to add a comment and let everyone know that Brad has as much support as we "Earthlings" can offer. God is the ultimate authority, and being the loving God that He is, I believe He wants Brad to experience the ultimate healing.

    That is the Goal! Love to all, Harris
