A Celebration of Life

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Friends and family, if you would like to leave a tribute to Brad, you can add a comment to this post and we will keep track of it and print them all in a keepsake book for Carla.  Thank you.  The link to comment is: http://bradsbattleblog.blogspot.com/2013/10/tribute.html.  The comment link is at the bottom of the page.  

Also, if you would like to send us pictures, you can email them to megan.lagoy@gmail.com and I will post them to this blog.  

Many thanks, 


  1. Dear Dona, Fred, Carla, Lindsay and Megan,

    Although only a fringe acquaintance of the Govreau Family, I want to extend my sincere condolences to you all. When I think of Brad, the word INTEGRITY (in all things) is the first of many positive descriptors that springs to mind. Brad has always had my admiration as a professional and family man with more than his share of caring and outreach to others. Dona and Fred – you raised a man who was among the best of the best. Brad’s early passing is a loss to all who knew him but his life will remain an example to all of a life well lived.

    I’m unable to be in Texas personally for the Celebration of Life but will be with all of you in my thoughts.

    John Imle

  2. We so wish that we could be there to pay tribute to Brad's life as his friends and family gather. We are unfortunately caught halfway around the world... which is perhaps fitting since many of our best times with Brad were generated another quarter turn around the world from here in Bangkok.

    Brad first came into my life reflected through Carla and it was a reflection of love of a mature and meaningful marriage...seeing Brads crooked smile as Carla launched into one of her self deprecating tirades was a joy...it was clear how much pleasure her antics gave him...and as we wandered through expat experiences together it was obvious, too, how much Carla appreciated Brad's steady hand and cajoling humor and his uprightness...the kind of love upon which great marriages are made...

    As time went on we shared many experiences together...from the sublime (watching Jose Carreras on a languid evening on the Oriental Terrace in the company of the Queen of Thailand...watching Brad sink into the mood and enjoy the moment) to the ridiculous (being rained on at at the Kings birthday celebration where Carla's brand new gorgeous silk suit started shrinking before our eyes...Brad scrambling to make things right...or at least cover up)...

    to the just plain fun...our mini trek in Nepal stands out....Brad was so engaging with the Nepalese school children who skipped along to school beside us as we trekked...just another case where his great empathy showed.. he was always the easy one...making the edges softer...but also up for a rollicking good time...weird Nepali drinks in bulbous metal straws come to mind...Tom counted him as a loyal companion in the trials and tribulations of traveling with Carla and Jane...

    Beyond personal enjoyment we would be remiss if we did not pay tribute to what I expect will be a constant refrain ...honoring Brad as a man of virtue, living out his faith in quiet but effective manner..."one of the truly good people of the world" is how Tom put it...

    our whole family benefited from Brad's friendship: from his working with our Evan (a doubting Thomas) in youth group...earning his trust and admiration...to taking both sons white water rafting in Bali so Tom and I could have a lunch together...and more recently making the effort in difficult times to be at the wedding of our older son Alec...(so glad that my greater family and friends got to meet THE Govreaus of whom I had spoken so glowingly)...

    because we are traveling I don't have many photo memories of our times together with me...but maybe it is appropriate that I do have with me one from the last time we were together....I offer that now with our love as an expression our distinct privilege at having been a small part of Brad's life. A fine man of the first order we were proud to call our friend

    Tom and Jane Davis

  3. People may not always remember what you said or what you did, but they always remember how you made them feel. Brad always made people feel comfortable and welcomed; he always had time for us. Brad was a man of faith who truly loved his family and friends. I try to be more like him every day… Steve Kovacevich

  4. Dear Carla, Lindsay and Megan,

    Wendy and I send our deepest sympathy to you and your family as you prepare for the Celebration Service for Brad tomorrow.

    Brad was a gentleman to everyone and his kind ways always made people feel comfortable. He was a key person in the old Unocal culture and he made good things happen. Most importantly, he was a good friend to all.

    Our thoughts and prayers will be with you all in the days ahead.

    We will all miss him very much.

    With love,
    Ron & Wendy Morin

  5. Dear Megan and Lindsay,
    Thanks for your diligence and very warm emails about this affair.
    When anyone thought of Brad, the thought was, “what a great guy”.

    He was a real pioneer in his last job at Titan and everyone at this small company thought the world of him.

    It is hard to think of a more suitable or more admirable human being than Brad. Intelligent, competent, successful and always warm and gracious to everyone he was around.
    The few days I spent with him in Houston when I was visiting will be important memories for me on a personal level when I think of Brad. Certainly when I watch an LSU football game, I will always think of Brad as I am a big Tigers fan.
    Brad Govreau was special.
    You should be very proud of him as we all are and always will be.
    My best,


    Kenneth J. Gerbino
    Titan Oil Recovery Inc.

  6. Monica and I are sorry we can't be there to celebrate Brad's life, and there certainly is much to celebrate!

    We first met Brad and Carla some 40 years ago. We were all just young pups going through Union of California's training program in South Louisiana. There was a group of us that played cards, had fondue parties, and watched each other start our families. As we both moved to other locations we kept up with each others lives. Later as the Govreau's lived in Moab and we lived in Farmington, we skied together in Telluride. We had great times together. We were so happy when we learned they were moving back to Houston. Since they returned we were able to spend more time together.

    Now, of course I am not telling, you his family and close friends anything you don't already know: but as someone outside your circle, it is obvious to me that Brad was indeed an extremely special man.

    As I have gone through life, I've met many, many people. There were folks with all types of different talents and personalities. Some folks were great examples of how not to live your life and then there were a handful that I have known that represent a certain style and warmth that set examples of how I think God really wanted man to be when he created us. Clearly Brad was one of those individuals. I have always thought that Brad was the type of guy that I should model my life after. Honest, caring, brave, soft-spoken, thoughtful, wise; all Godly characteristics.

    What an honor to have known him. As he lived out the final period of his life, those same characteristics became even more pronounced and impressive.

    Dear Lord, we thank you today for having known this wonderful man.

    Bill Hahne

  7. Dear Lindsey & Megan,
    My wife, Karin, and I just wanted to thanks you again for the fantastic job that you and your husbands and cousins did for Brad’s “Celebration of Life”. We especially enjoyed the slide show, but hearing how Brad and Carla had impacted and influenced people around the world was also encouraging. Brad was a wonderful friend that I will miss dearly, whether it is going to baseball games, or symphonies, or SPE meetings. Please let us know if we can ever help you or Carla in any way.
    Thanks, again.

    Van "Pete" Orr
